Developer's Diary
Software development, with Terry Ebdon
27-Feb-2019 Trk21 Phaser Enhancement

Fire Phasers

This is issue #3 in the Trk21 repository.

Phaser Fire

Firing a phaser should:

  1. Reduce the target's available energy by the hit amount.
  2. Remove the target from the game if it's energy <= 0.
  3. Inform the user of the weapon's effectiveness.
  4. Tell the user they've won the game when the last target is destroyed.
Some of these items may be deferred until torpedo firing is implemented, or moved into their own enhancement.

Attack and counter-attack

The enemy fleet will immediately launch a counter-attack

Phaser attack on the enemy fleet

The enemy fleet retaliates.

25-FEB-2019 👈 Top of page 👉 01-MAR-2019

© 2020 Terry Ebdon.

Find me coding on GitHub, networking on LinkedIn, answering questions on Stack Exchange and hanging out on twitter.