Developer's Diary
Software development, with Terry Ebdon
11-Mar-2019 GalaxyTest for scan()

Trk21 Commits

A busy day.

Commits on Mar 11, 2019

  • ca5bc43#11 Prefer Log4j2 template messages to sprintf messages
  • 9bfa8b8 – Closes #14 -Simplify and clarify Trek.positionKlingons() enhancement
  • 7027287 – Closes #14 -Simplify and clarify Trek.positionKlingons() enhancement
  • bc23a4c – remove commented-out code.
  • 2807cbb – Closes #22 - Failure in ShipVectorTest.testRandomGoodValues()
  • b2a6464 – Closes #19 - Report test-coverage.

Notes from creation GalaxyTest.groovy

1 000 5 010 9 100 13 200 17 210
2 001 6 011 10 101 14 201 18 211
3 002 7 012 11 102 15 202 19 212
4 003 8 013 12 103 16 203 20 213
  • Star = ( index - 1 ) % 4
  • Base = ( index -1 )
  • ( RowNo - 1 ) % 4 = Number of stars
  • ( ColNo - 1 ) % 4 = Number of bases

10-MAR-2019 👈 Top of page 👉 12-MAR-2019

© 2020 Terry Ebdon.

Find me coding on GitHub, networking on LinkedIn, answering questions on Stack Exchange and hanging out on twitter.