Developer's Diary
Software development, with Terry Ebdon
05-Mar-2019 Low energy?

Should it be possible to run out of energy while docked?

When docked the star base will always protect the ship from enemy fire and top-up the ship's energy. Under which circumstances should a docked ship's energy be exhausted?

QUADRANT: 5 - 7 SECTOR: 5 - 7
Command: p
Number of units to fire: 3000
Phasers locked in on target. Energy available 3000
1137 unit hit on Enemy ship No. 1 at sector 3 - 2
Enemy ship destroyed!
3000 unit hit on Enemy ship No. 2 at sector 6 - 8
Enemy ship destroyed!
987 unit hit on Enemy ship No. 3 at sector 8 - 1
Enemy ship destroyed!
It is stardate 2608
Your ship has been destroyed after 8 years.
Your civilisation will be conquered.
There are still 16 enemy ships.
You are dead.

Logged as issue #12

Log fragment

Log fragment corresponding to the issue's example game-play:

… INFO Trek Phasers locked in on target. Energy available 3000
… INFO FederationShip Firing phasers used 3000 units of energy.
… INFO FederationShip Energy reserves reduced to 0
… INFO FederationShip Ship is dead in space.
… INFO Trek Fire phasers completed - available energy: 0
… INFO FederationShip Ship is dead in space.

01-MAR-2019 👈 Top of page 👉 06-MAR-2019

© 2020 Terry Ebdon.

Find me coding on GitHub, networking on LinkedIn, answering questions on Stack Exchange and hanging out on twitter.