Developer's Diary
Software development, with Terry Ebdon
05-Mar-2020 Pretty issue lists, Trk21 energy use

Pretty list of GitHub issues by date

The following command will provide a simple summary of all GitHub issues, for the current project, in ascending order of ID. Each line will contain the ID, creation date and issue title.

hub issue --state=all --format="%I %cD %t%n" -^^

Note the use of -^^ to invert the normal sort order, as I wanted the oldest to appear first. On a *nix system, or using Bash, the command is slightly different, and would use -^. i.e. Windows requires the caret to be escaped, with a second caret, as that character has a special meaning to the command processor.

Example output for my Trk21 project, limited to the first 10 rows:

hub issue --state=all --format="%I %cD %t%n" -^^ | more
1 18 Feb 2019 Auto Short-Range Scan required after course moves.
2 22 Feb 2019 "Using key: [x,y]" debug messages appear in game output
3 22 Feb 2019 Phaser fire
4 22 Feb 2019 Torpedo fire
5 23 Feb 2019 Should ship be 'blocked' by a star base?
6 23 Feb 2019 Minimum warp factor should be 0.125, not 0.25
7 23 Feb 2019 Short Range Sensors are never disabled
8 24 Feb 2019 Better logging of ship's energy changes
9 24 Feb 2019 Ship energy level unchanged when receiving hits from the enemy fleet
10 25 Feb 2019 Bridge JUnit logging into Log4J
-- More --

It's not perfect, e.g. you can see the alignment change at 10. The ID column should really be right justified or zero filled. But it's good enough … except I really only want the issues from April 2019. There's no option for date ranges, I'll filter the output with an awk script:

awk -e "{if ( $3 == ""Apr"" && $4 == ""2019"" ) { print }}"

Add that to my previous command:

C:\projects\Trk21>hub issue --state=all --format="%I %cD %t%n" -^^ ^
More? | awk -e "{if ( $3 == ""Apr"" && $4 == ""2019"" ) { print }}"
37 03 Apr 2019 Establish a baseline for CodeNarc
38 08 Apr 2019 Replace EnemyShip.klingon[] with a class collection
39 09 Apr 2019 Move short-range scanning into a new class
40 10 Apr 2019 Galaxy is not updated when bases & stars are destroyed
41 12 Apr 2019 Use a class/enum for FederationShip condition
42 14 Apr 2019 Move game space management out of the Trek class
43 16 Apr 2019 Torpedo enemy kills leave a 't' in place of the dead ship
44 17 Apr 2019 Move Trek's galaxy setup into a new class
45 20 Apr 2019 Split the source code into packages
46 21 Apr 2019 Argument to UiBase.getFloatInput() should be a message ID

Trk21 Targets hit with excessive energy?

Looking back at my 05-Mar-2019 Low energy? post I notice that the Trk21 game screen shows more energy hitting the targets than was fired by the ship.

28-FEB-2020 👈 Top of page 👉 06-MAY-2020

© 2020 Terry Ebdon.

Find me coding on GitHub, networking on LinkedIn, answering questions on Stack Exchange and hanging out on twitter.